NCDXF Cycle 25 Fund
Download Our Tri-Fold Brochure HERE
You love ham fact you have loved DXing. It is what kept you engaged in the hobby for many years of your life. Maybe ham radio is what has stimulated your successful career? How can you leave a mark in ham radio after you are gone? Your legacy can be to pay forward for future DXers to enjoy the same DXpeditions that you have. NCDXF has and will spend your money wisely. What better place to secure your legacy than supporting NCDXF?
There are many ways to support is to donate each year or to give a large gift when you feel compelled. However, we all know that someday we won’t be here and we have more than enough money and assets than our children or heirs will need. Why not direct a portion of your estate to something that will live forever with NCDXF?
We will honor your estate plans on the NCDXF website. Cycle 25 is for honoring those that commit before the next sunspot maximum. A special NCDXF pin will be sent to you as a memento of your thoughtfulness. Please join those that will raise the endowment of the NCDXF for the next generation of DXers. Unless directed otherwise, your money will be added to an endowment fund and only the income will be used to fund future DXpeditions.
Cycle 25 Society - Estate Planning Commitments
15-August-2024 |
Name |
Callsign |
Name |
Callsign |
Ned Stearns |
AA7A |
Udo Heinze |
John Grimm |
Glenn Johnson |
Ross Forbes |
K6GFJ (sk) |
Ed Muns |
Al Burnham |
Rich Haendel |
Alan Rovner |
K7AR |
Dan White |
Craig Thompson |
K9CT |
Charles Spetnagel |
W6KK |
Rich Seifert |
KE1B |
Rusty Epps |
Bob Schmieder |
Bruce Butler |
W6OSP (sk) |
Hardy Landskov |
N7RT (sk) |
Randy Stegemeyer |
W7HR |
Tom Berson |
ND2T |
Cash - In your estate planning with your attorney, identify NCDXF as a beneficiary of your estate and how you want the cash to be directed.
Stocks and Bonds - In your estate planning with your attorney, identify NCDXF as a beneficiary of your estate and how you want the investments to be directed. NCDXF has a brokerage account that manages our investment portfolio. Your investments would be transferred to our professional managers. Please contact us for that information.
Annuities and Insurance - What a better way to give to NXCDF than a funded insurance policy with the proceeds going to NCDXF. You simply make the yearly premiums and direct the payout to NCDXF. Contact your insurance broker to do this….and then let NCDXF know.
Ham Radio Station - What happens to your station after you are gone? Do you take it down long before you are ready to make the last QSO? How about pre-arranging with NCDXF in partnership with your local club or DX club to dismantle your station and donate the proceeds to both? We have a program in place to work through these matters so that you don’t have to burden your family. Please contact us to pre-plan.
IRA Required Minimum Distribution - After you reach 72 years of age, if you have savings in a traditional IRA, those required annual withdrawals, known as required minimum distributions, would be another way for you to contribute to the Cycle 25 Fund.
If you have any questions regarding Estate Planning, please contact us at CYCLE25 @ NCDXFORG -- we'll be happy to help.